October 3, 2018

Maclay Bridge Alliance is still working to keep the historic bridge.  MBA was granted “Consultant” status under the Section 106 Review Process for historical bridges by Federal Highway Administration.  This occurred after Maclay Bridge was officially listed on the National Register of Historic Places.  As a consultant, MBA will receive a copy of the environmental documents submitted for South Avenue Bridge.  We will be given 30 days to review these documents and comment under the Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.  Our status was recently confirmed by FHWA, though they did not know the timeline for submittal of these documents by Missoula County and its consultant, HDR.  According to FHWA, Montana Department of Transportation was not aware of a timeline for final submittal either.

Though we do not have a schedule, we understand that the revised (not the final) CE is to be released by HDR for review by FHWA, MDT, and the public.  A public meeting will be scheduled after that, presumably public comment will be taken, but the form of comment is as yet unknown by us.  We have been told that the Board of County Commissioners will not approve anything until FHWA (MDT and the public)* has completed their reviews.

* Parenthesis indicates our interpretation of information we have received.